EMIMEO became
European Master for Industry in Microwave Electronics and Photonics (EMIMEP)
Student applications for the Erasmus Mundus scholarships will open on Monday 18 November 2024.
Find more updates on the new website EMIMEP
Student applications for the Erasmus Mundus scholarships will open on Monday 18 November 2024.
What's new in EMIMEP (formerly EMIMEO) ?
The European Master for Industry in Microwave Electronics and Photonics is the new project funded by the European Union for the period going from 01.09.2023 to 31.10.2029. The project has been granted by the European Commission as a Master study program of Excellence.
The new master will bring some new initiatives and activities compared to EMIMEO. Indeed the Program Committee is still going on to increase the quality of the teaching program for the students and strengthen the connection with the Industries and research Institutes.
Among others, EMIMEP Vs EMIMEO is:
– More targeted students with the Erasmus Mundus Scholarships (05 students editions in EMIMEP vs 04 students intakes in EMIMEO)
– More student positions at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (04 or 05 student mobility per year in the second academic year vs 02 in EMIMEO)
– More international associated partners for more job engineers and PhD opportunities for the students after EMIMEP and internships during the master’s studies (16 large enterprises, 11 SMEs, 15 Research Institutes, 2 associations, 1 Youth Associations, 3 Representatives of working life and 2 national bodies)
– More associated partners from academia: 05 in EMIMEP vs 01 in EMIMEO
– More academic integration between the universities: One course taught by the University of the Basque Country at the University of Limoges in the first semester and one course from the University of Jena will be taught in the second semester at the University of Brescia.
– EMIMEO aim to have a joint diploma not only with the University of Limoges, the University of Brescia, the University of the Basque Country but also with the University of Jena)
– Summer School organised in the associated partner institutions for the student at the end of the student academic year.
The students will continue to attend Research and Industrial Week in Cluj during the first academic year and the European Microwave Week at the beginning of the second academic year (Paris in 2024, Utrecht in 2025, London in 2026).
Learn more about EMIMEP and how to apply for an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship in our Master Study Programme !!!
The decision to provide the Erasmus Mundus scholarship from EMIMEO to the applicants for 2023-2025 is pending to the approval of the European Agency for Culture Education and Audiovisual (EACEA)
EMIMEO has been selected by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) 2018 call.
The project’s partners are the University of Limoges (UNILIM, France), the University of Brescia (UNIBS, Italy), the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU, Spain). The Abbe School of Photonics at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena (FSUJena, Germany) may become a full partner at the beginning of 2022. The consortium is waiting for approval from the Erasmus+ Agency.
Find more information about Erasmus Mundus by clicking on the website. The associate partner University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) will also contribute to the learning programme. A panel of industrial Associated Partners, including SMEs, large accompanies and associations, will support the EMIMEO programme through concrete contributions. They will constitute an effective network for Master’s theses with the prospect for future career development.
EMIMEO project is one of these educational projects which will boost the attractiveness of science, technology and engineering.
In a context of increasing demand for research and industrial applications around these topics, EMIMEO Masters is a concrete solution to improve the number of highly qualified students. Especially, for feeding the research labs and for meeting the demand of the industrial sector. EMIMEO is a thoroughly integrated programme with a jointly developed curriculum. Areas covered range from the fundamentals of microwave electronics and photonics to their implementations with new technologies in wired and wireless communications, moving from components to system architectures for communication systems and networks.
Please refer to the Application guide to create your account and apply online. For further information and help, please contact:
Applications for self-funded students are now open
EMIMEO strongly increases professional perspectives for the learners.
Training courses for students in microwave electronics and photonics are of fundamental importance to prepare them for the future job vacancies of the next 5-10 years in the following key joint areas.
Among the identified key priorities are networks (energy transports), industrial modernisation (including new technologies, smart grids and digital infrastructures), the potential of clusters for the creation of new ecosystems, and cross-border synergies.
The Photonics Industry Report published in 2013 predicted for the photonics industry a long-term growth. It might be an average of 1.5 times the growth rate of the world gross domestic product. According to the forecast, the key technology will reach a world market volume of € 615 billion in 2020, based on a market volume of € 350 billion in 2011. It is evident that research and higher education in the physical sciences and engineering (PSE) have a direct impact on the economy. It is one of the prime drivers for new methods of large data management and communication. PSE covers a wide range of research areas and infrastructures in which microwave and photonics are among the key technologies. They are elements of the day-by-day operation of a large part of infrastructures.
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