Student Application Assessment

Student Application Assessment

Evaluation Assessment

All the eligible applications are submitted to the relevant pedagogical committee. The assessments are based only on the merit of the applicants according to their academic studies, experiences and motivations. First, the Assessment Committee reviews the applications and  selects a short-list of applicants to interview based on the following criterion:

  • Average Mark/credits of University exams (50%)
  • Previous Professional or Research Experience (10%)
  • Level of language skills (10%)
  • Publications – Internship reports & endorsements (10%)
  • Continuity in the career (20%)

 During the interview, the selected applicants will be assessed on their motivations and basic academic knowledge related to the EMIMEO’s subjects. The absolute ranking and the selection of the applicants on the main & reserve lists are based on the scores during the interview (70%) and the reviews (30%).