Master Fees


The Master fees are: 

For European students, participation costs come to 4 500€ per year.

For non-EU students, participation costs come to 9 000€ per year. Remind that for Erasmus Mundus scholarship holders this cost is covered by the scholarship.  

Master fees include:

– Full-time registration in the dedicated master degree

– Health insurance covering

– access to university facilities

– support from the student services of the university

– use of the library

– use of the information technology infrastructure

– Social events during the integration week

– Participation in the Research and Industrial Week in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) 

– Participation in the European Microwave Week

The participation fee does not include accommodation, food, international travel, travel on site, etc. 

Self-funded students

Students without an Erasmus+ Student scholarship are eligible to participate in the EMIMEO Master course.

The Master fees are the same for both categories of students (Erasmus Mundus scholarship & Self-funded students). However, the EMIMEO Consortium decides to award a few self-funded students with fee waiver so that the full registration for the two academic years could be cut to around 3000 €. All the student pathways are eligible except the Aston Mobility in the second year of the academic program.